Monday 5 July 2010

Singletrack Weekender

As Joe said below it was ace again. I really need to a) get fit and b) practice on trails that are not fields :) Here is one of my DH runs. I took better lines in the race and didn't stop to look for a puncture either... ( i also need to sort out the shaky camera mount)

Singletrack Classic Weekender - Downhill Practice from MonkeyBoy on Vimeo.

12 Hours of Cumberland

Here's a race report from Fig Rolls Vancouver Island representative, Marc. Congratulations islanders!

Since the Vancouver lads were all off on other adventures I recruited some new racers, and we kicked arse. The format was the same, he who has the most laps wins.

We stuck to same plan as last year, with each rider doing a single lap. Dave took us out to a blistering start with a 35 min lap. The superb course was from miners, two and a juice, buggered big, short and curly, railroad connector, lower crafty, black hole, space nugget. I followed on the sh@t bike (which counts for two), unfortunately or fortunately the shit bikes were a little shitter this year and didn't play as big a role, my two laps were all we needed. One was size small the other was size rigid. The small was designed to blast your legs, the other without suspension was designed to shred your arms, the ridgid even came with ball bearings in the handle bars to remind you of every jarring bump. Trevor and Tylor matched pace and we off to a great start.

We took the lead early on and held it for the day. We squeaked out 20 laps in 11 hrs 28min. Giving us the most laps in our category and the most overall. Next were a couple of solo riders with 17! Those lads are machines.

All in it was an excellent tiring day.

Sunday 4 July 2010

Figrolls @ singletrack weekender

Video is bad quality i'm afraid!

Matt H up first but punctures, Duncan next then Matthew. Niki managed not to record me - must have been too fast.